# natur-immer

  • middleware to integrate immer into natur

# install

# npm install natur-immer -S
$ yarn install natur-immer

# introduce

  1. Integrate immer into natur, so that when modifying state in action, you only need to use mutable writing.

# start

# replace thunkMiddleware

replacenatur's thunkMiddlewaretonatur-immer's thunkMiddleware



import { createStore } from 'natur';
import { thunkMiddlewarem } from 'natur-immer';

export const store = createStore({/* ... */}, {/* ... */}, {
  middlewares: [
    thunkMiddleware, // use natur-immer's thunkMiddleware

# usage

this is a user module demo


import { ITP } from 'natur-immer';

// this is a mock function to fetch todo form service
const mockFetchTodo = () => new Promise<{name: string; status: number}[]>(res => res([
        name: 'play game',
        status: 0,
        name: 'work task1',
        status: 0,

// user state
const state = {
    name: 'tom',
    age: 10,
    todo: [
            name: 'study english',
            status: 0,

type State = typeof state;

const actions = {
    // update user age
    updateAge: (age: number) => ({setState}: ITP<State>) => {
        // setState like produce in immer
        return setState(state => {state.age = age});
    // update user todo,return state
    fetchTodo: () => async ({setState}: ITP<State>) => {
        const res = await mockFetchTodo();
        return setState(state => {
            state.todo.push(...res); // modify directly
        }); // return new state(recommend return)
    // update user todo,without return state
    fetchTodoWithoutReturn: () => async ({setState}: ITP<State>) => {
        const res = await mockFetchTodo();
        setState(state => {
            state.todo.push(...res); // modify directly
        }); // without return state


export default {

# NaturFactory

  • NaturFactory inherits NaturBaseFactory and overrides actionsCreator.

    import { NaturFactory } from 'natur-immer';
    const state = {
        count: 1,
    const createMap = NaturFactory.mapCreator(state);
    const maps = {
        isOdd: createMap(
            s => s.count,
            count => count % 2 === 1
    // The second parameter is optional; if you don't have maps, you don't need to pass it
    const createActions = NaturFactory.actionsCreator(state, maps);
    const actions = createActions({
        // The type of 'api' here will be automatically suggested, no need to manually declare
        updateCount: (count: number) => api => {


  • from the test point of view, both returning state and not returning state can run normally, but no return action has no return value type where the action is called.
import store from 'store';

const user = store.getModule('user');

(async () => {
  const res1 =  user.actions.fetchTodo(); // here res1 is the State type of the user module
  const res2 = user.actions.fetchTodoWithoutReturn(); // the ts type of res2 here is the undefined type

Last Updated: 8/2/2023, 8:53:24 PM